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Autor: Betreff: Warterei Tips Liste

Beiträge: 63
Registriert: 13.5.2003
Status: Offline
  erstellt am: 2.7.2003 um 15:43 Uhr:
OK, since we are all so good at making lists here, how about a list with tips to make the waiting more bearable... (perhaps someone more adept at German could translate this for me here?)

- Focus on generally annoying events
Instead of thinking about the day your smartster is to arrive, think about an event that is to happen around the same time but really doesn't make you all that happy. Like a dentist visit that is coming up or something. Or a visit to your mother-in-law. It shouldn't be too dreadful of course (like somebody dying or something), and you shouldn't be doing it all the time. We don't want you to become depressed.
Just pick those events that you know are going to come sooner than you expect. Heck, it could even be fun events that you haven't worked out yet: made plans for the weekend yet? No? Is coming up sooner than you think, you know.
And if you haven't made plans for this weekend, how about next weekend? Oops, before you know it two weeks have gone by. And if you can make two weeks pass that fast, think about two months.

And here's a tip for the more advanced:

- transfer the corresponding time distortion to a more useful event
It's really interesting how time flies when you're having fun. This waiting on the other hand makes time seem to come to a grinding halt... The clock says 12, two hours later you look at the clock, it still says 12! Finally, after about 6 hours or so, you see a second go by...
Now think about an event where that could be really useful. And for those of you with a lack of creativity, think "orgasm"...

Any other useful tips appreciated.

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